Raising the bar with thought leadership

Annual Interview 2024


Excerpts from Annual Interview
Ashwin Muthiah
Founder & Chairman, AM International

“The global economy has been experiencing persistent contractions across regions and markets. In contrast, the Indian economy remains growth-oriented, standing out as one of the most promising emerging markets, poised to outperform several other economies.”

From the Chairman’s desk

Embracing our role in shaping a sustainable future

Excerpts from Sustainability Report 2023
Ashwin Muthiah
Founder & Chairman, AM International

"We believe that businesses must be a force for good. Our responsible practices, built on a foundation of transparency and accountability, ensure that our actions create a lasting, positive impact for all our stakeholders."

Sustainable value creation rooted in ESG

Sustainable value creation rooted in ESG

Navigating business with resilience built on trust

Navigating business with resilience built on trust



How AM International group companies are navigating the COVID-19 crisis

We had years of value and trust to fall back on. This helped us sustain through COVID-19 while adopting new ways of working.”

COVID-19: Spurring innovation, localisation and self-reliance in India Inc.
September 17, 2020

COVID-19: Spurring innovation, localisation and self-reliance in India Inc.

The disruptions brought about by COVID-19 have highlighted the significance of domestic supply chains. This means localised development, manufacturing, and distribution. In India,...

Staying safe while restarting your normal life
September 03, 2020

Staying safe while restarting your normal life

The fight against COVID-19 is a long-drawn battle. As countries across the globe ease lockdown measures and reinvigorate the economy, people are restarting their lives as well....

Going Phygital: Reimagining business in the post COVID world
July 27, 2020

Going Phygital: Reimagining business in the post COVID world

For all of us, the pandemic ushered in a new, digital-centric way of life. Under lockdown and circuit breaker restrictions, our professional workspaces shifted to the...

Prioritising mental well-being is critical as we adapt to the new normal
July 09, 2020

Prioritising mental well-being is critical as we adapt to the new normal

How are you feeling today? Excited? Bored? Exhausted or worried? Our state of mind and the way we feel affect our thoughts and behaviours every day. They also influence our...

Caring for communities around us
June 30, 2020

Caring for communities around us

The pandemic has highlighted how little acts of kindness can uplift and inspire us. Be it stories of common people reaching out to help the needy or organisations extending a...

The Consequences of Contentism

The Consequences of Contentism

Assessing the Significance of Intensifying Geopolitical Challenges

Coming of Age with Technology

Coming of Age with Technology

An Insight into Technology Integration in Traditional Industries